I have inspected these bows and they are to the best of my knowledge sound and in good shooting condition.. If you would like to trade a bow in please keep in mind I can't give full market value as I have to make a profit on your trade in.. I would encourage you to sell your own bow in order to get its full value. This is offered as a service for those not wanting the hassle in dealing with selling it themselves.
17" Samick Discovery riser with Winstorm Carbon limbs making a 58" bow. Draw weight is currently 37# @ 28". Limb bolts are not all the way down and will make approx 40# . Original owner replaced grip with leather for a larger and warmer grip. Shoots very nice and quiet.
$385.00 Shipped in CON USA
This as new Fox High Sierra with two sets of limbs. One set makes a 56" 50# bow with clear glass and osage veneers. The second makes a 60" 53# bow with clear glass, not sure of the veneers. Riser appears to be Bolivian Rosewood. Fox website price list shows $1450. $900 TYD CON USA + fees PRICE REDUCED TO $750.0